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The Association's general purpose is to provide treasury and financial management professionals a forum for the exchange of treasury and financial ideas, concepts and techniques relevant to their profession.

We have a strong membership base. We draw our members from corporations, financial institutions, FINTECH, governmental entities and academia in the metro Atlanta area.

We are dedicated to the advancement and education of our members in the treasury and finance professions and support continuing education, certification and career development. We provide our members with educational opportunities through webinars and seminars offered by our sponsors and business partners of the AFP of Atlanta.

In August of each year, we host our largest event – AFP of Atlanta’s Annual Education Day – where guests and members have the opportunity to earn up to 7 continuing education credits.

There is no more powerful career tool than peer to peer networking within your own profession.

AFP of Atlanta: For those who seek Industry Knowledge, Continuing Education, Problem Solving and Networking with Peers.

AFP of Atlanta, Inc.  is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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